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Thursday, May 14, 2009

4 Negative Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamins are vital for your health and help your body perform a number of essential functions. Despite this many people do not consume enough of them on a daily basis which is largely down to poor dietary choices. In this article I am going to discuss this topic in greater detail by outlining four negative vitamin deficiency symptoms.

1) BLOOD PROBLEMS:- A lack of vitamin B9, B12 and E can cause various types of anemia to develop. A vitamin B9 deficiency can cause macrocytic anemia (a condition where your body produces fewer, larger red blood cells). Not getting enough vitamin B12 can lead to pernicious anemia (a type of anemia that has similar characteristics to macrocytic anemia). A lack of vitamin E causes hemolytic anemia (a condition where your blood cells become very delicate and are destroyed faster than your body can produce them).

2) BONE PROBLEMS:- Being deficient in vitamin D and K can lead to various bone related problems. A vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets and osteomalacia (two conditions which cause your bones to become soft and bend, swell and fracture more easily). Not getting enough vitamin K can lead to osteoporosis (a condition where your bones density is reduced meaning that they are more likely to fracture).

3) SKIN PROBLEMS:- Not getting enough vitamin B2, B6, B7 or E can cause a variety of skin problem. A vitamin B2 deficiency can make your skin become dry, greasy or scaly. A lack of vitamin B6 can make your lips crack. Not getting enough vitamin B7 can lead to the development of dry skin, rashes and even fungal infections. Not consuming enough vitamin E can cause age spots (brown pigmentations on the skin) to develop.

4) VISION PROBLEMS:- A vitamin A deficiency can cause damage to your eyes which ultimately leads to problems with your vision. In most cases night blindness (a condition that makes it very difficult to see in dim light) is the first symptom of vitamin A deficiency. However, if left untreated night blindness can develop into full blindness.

As you can see there are many unpleasant vitamin deficiency symptoms. Without vitamins your body cannot function properly and as a result cell production starts to suffer. This then affects your blood, your bones, your skin and more. To avoid this you need to make sure you are consuming enough of each of the thirteen vitamins. Take a look at your current diet and see which vitamins you are not consuming enough of. Then address the balance by incorporating some new foods into your diet. This will ensure that you avoid all the negative vitamin deficiency symptoms discussed this article whilst enjoying the full benefits that the thirteen vitamins can provide.


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