One thing to keep in mind about our eating and about food in relation to us is essentially we're still just humans. I want to recognize that there is nothing wrong about enjoying a good meal or savoring certain foods. The key, as I've mentioned, is frequencies and how much - in portions and on schedule. Feelings of deprivation and self-pity are not necessary. I am the first to admit that a few of my food compulsions still show up today. They are greatest when I am on the road somewhere, especially when I travel. Furthermore, food is often wired up as a reward for efforts or stress. I don't know why. I don't understand it but have accepted the fact that I probably always will have those times when chips, chocolate, French fries, sugar, heavily buttered biscuits are absolutely necessary. And I have learned that it is OK.
My body just cannot expect large quantities of it all day, every day. Again, I think that this is the key when it comes to our food choices and intake. Here are some food for thoughts: Order the small one. Want a burger? It's okay to admit it. Besides the secret to sticking to a healthy nutritional program means giving into your cravings every so often. Order the small one with ketchup and mustard instead of mayonnaise.
Skip the sugary drinks. The large soda contains 300 calories and 10 teaspoons of sugar (more than one-third of a cup). How many did you have today? Get used to the taste of water with a lemon wedge. If that doesn't cut it, make the switch to diet soda and promise to start cutting back. Did you know that even "high-protein" smoothies are overflowing in carbohydrates due to the fruit and fruit juice. Chances are they also contain raw sugar and honey; empty calories you don't need. Empty calories means that it serves no nutritional values.
Take away stimulants. Tea and coffee that contain caffeine may give you a rush of energy, but they quickly drop you to an even lower feeling of fatigue. They can also pull away essential vitamins and minerals from your body.
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