All experts agree that the build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the arteries is the cause of angina. This means that eating the right foods can really make a difference. It will certainly help to prevent the condition getting any worse, and may even improve it. Recent scientific discoveries have shown that certain foods and nutrients can help protect the heart and blood vessels against disease against disease.
Perhaps the most important element in a diet designed to counter angina is a large intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, because these contain high levels of anti-oxidant vitamins(A, C and E). These 'mop up' free radicals-harmful molecules that damage the body's cells and play an important part in triggering narrowing of the arteries. You should also try to include foods containing the B group of vitamins in your diet every day. Recent research has shown that these may help to lower the level of an amino acid called homocysteine, which is thought to accelerate the oxidization of 'bad' cholesterol (or LDL). Try especially to include folic acid (found in liver, kidney, greens, fortified cereals and eggs), B6 (in fish, egg yolks, wholegrain cereals, bananas, avocados, nuts and seeds) and B12(in rye, sprouted seeds, pulses, eggs, kidneys, liver and milk).
As well as aiming to cut your overall fat intake, you should choose fats from non-animal sources(such as olive oil, sunflower and safflower oil and nut oils), and avoid 'trans-fats' -hydrogenated fat widely used in processed foods such as some margarines, biscuits, cakes and pies.
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