1.) Eat Breakfast; everyone says it because it's true. It's hard to remember to focus on caring for ourselves when life can be so busy, but eating breakfast helps prepare our bodies for the day by giving them a jump start. It will increase your energy and concentration which will help motivate you to do more. Eating a healthy breakfast has been associated with increased ability to concentrate and better control of weight. If you have gotten into the habit of not eating breakfast in the morning, start off by eating a small snack on some mornings. Remain mindful of your goal and smaller changes will eventually lead to bigger ones.
2.) Minimize sweets, sugars and unhealthy fats. Find better alternatives. I have stopped filling the house with sugary treats. This can be difficult when you have kids like I do, but instead I try to buy the kids healthier snacks like grapes, graham crackers, and raisins. Sometimes you have to give into a craving. If I must have chocolate I grab a regular size box of Junior Mints. They are not as high in fat and calories as other candies but I don't keep them lying around. Look around to see what you can find for a better choice in case you can't shake a craving.
3.) Try drinking more water. You may be interested to know that sometimes if you think you are hungry you may really be thirsty; try a glass of water first. When we are dehydrated we have trouble concentrating. Dehydration is also associated with constipation, headaches, and fatigue. Learn to be mindful of your body's signals. Some clues that you might need hydrating-- your mouth is dry, lips are cracked, or your urine is dark.
4.) Finally kick the fast food to the curb. This may be easier said then done, fast food can be convenient, cheap, and accessible. If you find yourself going through the drive through try changing your order to include some of the better food options they have available. Here is some examples: lose the soda, drink water; opt for a small salad instead of a small fry; and definitely trade the mayo for mustard or ketchup.
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