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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Health Benefits of Cranberries

Many people are looking for a better, healthier life with the use of berries. One berry which stands out among the rest is cranberries. With health benefits of cranberries like preventing cancer and packed with nutrition, they offer a great amount of nutrition to the healthy minded. There are many areas in cranberries which make them stand out among their family in berries. You can count on getting plenty of benefits from this berry. Health benefits of cranberries are:

1. Prevents bladder infections - No one wants to have issues with their bladder in latter years of their lives. Cranberries prevent bladder infections and helps with the circulation of the urinary track. This helps not only your bladder, but other parts as well.

2. Healthy for your teeth - The nutrients from the cranberries help with reduction of dental plaque. This is especially important because the healthier your teeth are, so dentists say, the healthier your body will be. With healthy teeth, not only will you be able to smile, you will have a healthier body.

3. Prevents heart disease - Everyone is always looking for ways to prevent heart disease. A heart attack is no laughing matter and is looked upon as a threat to many. However, through using cranberries in your diet, you are protected from this harmful disease.

4. Good for your kidneys - As stated earlier with the urinary track, cranberries have a health benefit of helping with the kidneys. Your kidneys are important to the operation of your body and need to be taken care of. With taking care of your body, you can look for a long and healthy life.

So many benefits surround they berry family for their high amounts of antioxidants which fight diseases and promote a healthy living. For centuries, cranberries have been used to cure people with horrible cramps and digestion. Now in modern times, it is doing the same. With more of a benefit of helping your kidneys, berries offer a variety of benefits.


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