The most important secret you will ever discover is that it all starts in the head. If you put too many restrictions on your diet or tell yourself that you can never eat foods that you love again, then you are going to fail. The first rule is never to do that to yourself!
Consider the following secrets to help you form a more realistic way of thinking about a healthy diet.
The first secret has to be to change your attitude. If you go into this saying you are going cold turkey on sugar or will never again touch a cookie then you are going to be met with another failure. What you tell yourself and your overall attitude will determine your level of success.
For starters, you are not going on a diet. You are just making better decisions. Better eating choices will bring about the healthier body that you desire but it is not about giving up the cookies or depriving yourself of everything you love.
The second secret is the only one that is actually related to what specific foods you should be eating. Instead of reading long books about the exact balance of vitamins, minerals and hundreds of nutrients that your body needs on a daily basis, just learn how to control you carbs. This alone will put you on a healthy eating pattern.
If you can focus on replacing unhealthy carbs with healthier varieties, this would be a giant step toward healthy eating.
Carbohydrates are a large category that includes many different foods, including cake and cookies alongside whole grain rice, fruits, and vegetables.
The trick here is to start replacing your sugary treats with fresh fruit to get that sweet taste. Replace refined breads and pasta with whole grain varieties. Add in vegetables and fruits to every single meal.
You aren't looking to eliminate carbs because they are your body's main source of energy and stamina. You just want to eat healthy carbs that deliver real value to your body.
The final secret is to eat often! If you are not having small snacks throughout the day you will suffer from a slower metabolism and your blood sugar will not remain stable. The trick is to find sensible snacks that give your body a constant source of energy. If you eat unhealthy snacks you will be robbing your body of energy instead.
Try to get something in your system every 3-4 hours. It may just be a piece of fruit or some nuts and carrots, but it will help you feel satisfied and energetic all day.
Healthy eating is really about balancing out your life. You can have those unhealthy foods that you love, but they should not be every day occurrences. Your everyday eating should involve lean protein sources and a variety of healthy carb selections.
Instead of piling on those favorite foods day after day, use them in moderation and savor every single bite.
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