Before buying any kind of health product, it is common sense to check how exactly it is going to effect your health- plain and simple. Basically, omega3 foods improve your health in many ways no matter your age or the state of your health, and help a range of things from arthritis to asthma.
It can also help pregnant mothers in their health, and development of their babies, and their other children.
So, omega3 benefits you in a number of different ways, and can help your mum as well as your eldest Sarah who has just started high school. Great, now you know how you can benefit from omega3 foods.
2. Okay, you know what omega3 foods are going to do for you, so how do you get them into your diet?
Well, the most common food that everyone associates with omega3 is fish. And everyone is right.
Fish happens to be the only known 'long chain' omega3 food. 'Long chain' simply means that the chain of fatty acids within the fish is longer, and so gives you more of the 'good' fatty acids you desire.
So fish, is a pretty good way of getting omega3 into your diet. And guess what? It has been discovered that a certain fish that holds the title of best candidate for omega3 fish oil- the Hoki fish. No, not the hokey cokey fish, just plain Hoki. This little fish naturally contains high levels of DHA and EPA fatty acids- essential fatty acids, needed to achieve good health. It resides in the crystal clear waters of New Zealand, so you can be sure that it will be beneficial to your health.
3. Are there any downsides to living on hoki fish for the next twenty years?
Well, yes. There is the obvious battering you would force your taste buds to endure, something they would definitely not thank you for, no matter how many different recipes you try. Also, the fact is that hoki, or any other type of fish does not contain only omega3, omega6 is present too. The problem that we face because of that fact is, that on average, our diets contains too many omega6 foods, and not enough omega3 foods. That is with out trying actively to increase your intake of either. This is not good, and could potentially be detrimental to your health.
4. Okay, so what can I do to manage my intake of omega3 and omega6?
Good question and I have a doctor's solution to answer it. Many doctors say that to achieve that needed balance of omega3 and omega6 within your body, you could take a supplement of fish oil, because this would help regulate both levels, and thus help you avoid any possible health disasters.
5. Anything else?
Yes, there are such things as 'short chain' omega3 foods, which might appeal to you, depending on your taste. These include flaxseed, chia, purslane, lingonberry, and hemp, all plant sources. These sources contain the omega3 fatty acid known as ALA. Unfortunately, a problem comes with this particular acid, as your body must convert it into a long-chained fatty acid, so it can actually use it. This conversion can be problematic for many people for a number of different reasons. If you are one of these people, it may be worth your while to look into omega3 supplements, rather than the foods.
So, now you know the 5 things that you need to know about which omega3 foods are good if you want to increase your intake of omega3. Happy eating!
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