- If you don't eat fresh produce, start out by adding just one serving of fruit or vegetables a day. Once you feel comfortable, increase that number periodically until you reach 8 to 10 a day.
- Be sure that you incorporate two servings of fruit or veggies with every meal. This will provide you with the necessary fiber.
- Never super-size your meal portions. No matter how good of a deal you think you will be getting!
- Put an end to mindless eating! Food is no longer something that you do while being engaged in other activities (like watching TV). Enjoy every bite of your meal and think of it as nourishment for your body.
- Be sure to eat breakfast. Don't skip this important meal in order to cut back on calories. Skipping breakfast only leads to overeating and mindless snacking for the remainder of the day.
- Make sure that your dinner plate consists of 50% vegetables and only 25 % meat. The last 25 % can be whole grains.
These 6 nutrition tips will help you lose weight at a healthier pace. If you have a hard time controlling your appetite you can also try all natural diet pills such as hoodia.
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