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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Super Health Secrets - The Caveman Diet the Easy Way

One of the major pitfalls of any diet program or healthy eating program, whether you want rapid weight loss of improved health is found in the humble shopping list!

If you track what you eat for a week or two you'll probably find that the times when you splurged on something 'off-plan' was when you a) ran out of nice food b) ate something you shouldn't have eaten elsewhere or c) used food for emotional reasons.

Now I like cooking and making fancy meals... about once a month! I'm busy. I want healthy, tasty food that takes about the same time (or less) to cook and prepare as it does for me to eat it.

So what's the solution?

Design a core menu of 10 simple, tasty staple dishes that you can make really quickly and rotate them round as the basis of your eating plan. You only really need a couple of options for breakfast, a couple of snacks, and a week's worth of evening meals.

Here's some very simple and tasty ideas to play with.


One) My favourite staple is scrambled eggs with sauted veg. A little garlic, bell pepper and mushroom in a hot pan for a few minutes, then scramble several eggs through it.

Two) Leftovers. Can't get any simpler than that - just make extra food at dinner time and have with some fruit.

Three) Meat rolls. Get thin sliced deli meat, stuff it full of salad and roll - voila, instant caveman sandwich! Much better than bread. Try spreading the meat with mustard, hummus or garlic mayo.


Four) Find somewhere you can buy large kilo bags of nuts and seeds and make your own trail mix. I like cashews, walnuts and pumpkin seeds with goji berries and cacao chips.

Five) Boil a whole box of eggs at the start of the week and they'll keep in fridge for a few days. Instant snack.

Six) Keep ample fruit and veg to hand, going for lower sugar fruits and berries.


Seven) Get a crock pot and figure out 3 really easy recipes. Throw in meat, veggies and stock. Simple.

Eight) Any time you cook, just treble the amount you make. Bake a whole tray of chicken breasts each time and use for lunch salads and easy recipes.


Nine) Ice cream has ruined many a healthy eating program! Gulping down a 1000 calories of sugar and fat is probably not a good idea.

The easy solution? Grab some ripe bananas, peel them and wrap in clingfilm. I usually have a few lying around that I haven't got around to eating. Bung them in the freezer.

When you fancy something very similar in flavour and texture to ice cream, just grab a couple of frozen bananas and put them through a juicer. (Note: you need the kind that has a revolving screw (auger) mechanism for this.)

Voila - a delicious desert! Try mixing a few frozen berries in or serve with fresh strawberries and a dusting of cinnamon.


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